Friday, May 31, 2013

A Natural Way to Address Stress


Dr. Weil's Heart Health Newsletter
Friday 05/31/2013 Join the conversation!
Passionflower for Stress

Stress can negatively impact your physical health, mood, and social interactions. One way to help address the symptoms of stress is with passionflower (Passifloraincarnata). The dried aboveground parts of the plant can be found in tincture and extract form - look for standardized whole plant extracts or capsules containing no less than 0.8 percent flavonoids or isovitexin. You can use passionflower for stress reduction, calming without sedation, and relief from insomnia (when combined with other sedative herbs). One dropperful of the tincture in a little warm water, or two capsules of extract, up to four times a day as needed is the adult dosage; children should take half of this. Use precaution when taking MAO-inhibiting antidepressant drugs, and do not take when pregnant - active compounds may be uterine stimulants.

Simple Steps for Health

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